Monday, August 17, 2009

Other Awesome Webseries: The Mercury Men

We here at Emerson Wild: Monster Hunter love web shows. I'd like to hope that's obvious, since we're creating one ourselves. So, here on the Monster Hunter Manual, we're going to talk about a few of our favorite web series and we hope you will check them out as well.

Now, some people might say "But team EW:MH, these other web shows are your competition! You shouldn't be talking about them and promoting them!" And that's where these commenters are wrong. With the wonderful power of the internet, you can watch these shows any time you want. The old-style competition between shows, such as on television, only works when competing for a time slot. With sites like Hulu and such, that's been all but eliminated anyway. If all web shows just promoted each other, it wouldn't be a COMPetition, but rather a COMPlementary system. (For a much more detailed version of this last paragraph, check out this insightful Tubefilter article.)

Fist off, The Mercury Men!

This is one we've been looking forward to for a long while now. It's got everything an awesome scifi web series (sorry, web serial) could ever ask for. A neo-noir, black and white 60's feel, cool alien effects, and awesome guns.

The story is about Edward Borman and his crazy adventure in stopping a bunch of Mercury Men (literally, they're men from the planet Mercury) from using their doomsday device named the Gravity Engine. And with the help of a daring aerospace engineer and his awesome gun, the LumiƩre, Edward will have to overcome being a lowly government office drone to a hero.

At the moment, they only have a trailer online to watch, but it's more then enough to get you into the action and get psyched for the show. With such an original idea for a web series, we're really looking forward to when they start releasing episodes. As you can tell, their website design has definitely inspired our team. Keep up the awesome work, Mercury Men Pictures!

On a side note, coming up soon we're going to be start doing some interviews with various cast and crew about EW:MH. Our first one coming up is with Vincent Guastini, our creature effects creator. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comment section and we'll be sure to try and add them to the interview!

'Til next time, hunters!


  1. The Mercury Men looks cool! Thanks for the heads up.

    Question for Vincent: Was the lobster a puppet or some kind of animatronic? Also how much did it cost to make?

  2. No competetion? Time slots are not the only things which drive competition - what about where money goes for merchandising? Time is still also a factor - not everyone will follow every single web serial. In their cases, they will pick the one which appeals to them the most they wish to follow.

    But no harm in linking to the competition and saying you like their stuff in my view.
