Sunday, August 9, 2009

That's What A Monster Hunter's Gear Is For...

Ghostbusters and proton packs. Men in Black and neuralizers. Hell Boy and the Good Samaritan - these are among some of the most iconic gear pieces in all of film history. When we set out to create the world EW:MH, we were very aware of how important it is to establish Emerson through the monster hunting gear he uses. When you're writing for a story like this one, you have all sorts of fun opportunities to stretch the supernatural, technological and creative limits of equipment.

Goggles Concept Art - July 7th, 2009

We look at Emerson's way of cultivating gear very much in the same way we look at our own prop creation. Borrowed, stolen, manufactured or duct taped together in some homegrown way. Fortunately for us, we have one highly motivated a prop master.

Zack has been responsible for the creation, cultivation and design for most of the gear we've seen Emerson carry to date. Most of it is usually pieced together using all sorts of crazy materials ranging from welding goggles, .99 cent store reading lights, to old pepper shakers filled with Mountain Dew. We're looking forward to showing you some of this stuff in action. Or inaction, depending on how Emerson wields it.

The First Emerson Wild Concept Drawing - June '09

For this blog, we'd like to reach out you in our comments section and ask: What sort of gear do YOU see a monster hunter carrying? What sort of sprays, snares and satchels would YOU want on your own monster hunter gear package?

Let us know! We'll be watching for ideas and might throw one of your suggestions into the series.


  1. A disk to throw at a monster and it opens up into spear like objects that pin the monster to the wall. Something you can stick to like both sides of a doorframe and a monster walks through it and they activate and bind the monster. Um a sword maybe?

  2. I would have stuff that messes with creatures that have heightened senses. Werewolf or some other creature with good olfactory senses? Some powerful spray that overwhelms their scent. Bat like creature? Ultrasonic whistle. Strobe light to stun nocturnal creatures.

    Other things: An adhesive grenade, something that makes the ground really slippery, and a grappling hook.

  3. Mundane stuff can be damned useful, too. Howzabout a sledge hammer? They're handy if one has to deal with, say, a lock that's rusted shut, or a brick wall. A crowbar, too. Not the big Gordon Freeman variety, but the little ones, the kind they make out of a single flat bar of steel. They make 'em as small as six inches or so; together with the hammer there's very little one can't open.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Personally, I'd just like to see a spray that repels a particular type of shark-monster. Some manner of shark-repellant spray, if you will.

    Also, ridiculously thick/armoured boots, for avoiding anklebiters or sapient floorboards.

    Oh, and a modified super-soaker is a must. garlic-water, semi-holy water, gasoline (pricy), glow-in-the-dark paint, or just regular water - a versatile weapon indeed, especially with the label hastily scraped off and the pressure pre-pumped.

    Also, perhaps a modified emergency-services siren? When not in use on Emerson's car, it can be turned up a notch to drive off creatures with sensitive hearing - werewolves, bat-things, and cat-jellies.

    Bladed weaponry's been mentioned, but that seems rather sword-and-sorcery for Mr. Wild. I'd suggest a modified circular-saw (on a foldable stick) for getting through those tough carapaces.

    A net gun is just asking for tangled trouble, especially with Emerson's briefly-displayed competence level - but a Taser would be good for zapping any critters dwelling in a swimming pool.

  6. I think it needs to be simple homemade/DIY shop style (like in reaper)
    Net, like the ones for catching chickens.
    Water pistol for squirting homemade knockdown sprays.


    A Gobbler Guillotine (pronounced "Gi-yoh-teen", apparently) is a must when hunting borogoves.
